About this newsletter

This newsletter is decidedly not straight. It’s actually about the LGBTQ+ folks fighting for a more inclusive future in the Boy Scouts of America. It gives scouters, parents, families and allies the inside story of how this organization is changing—and actionable information they can use to play a part in that transformation.
Who am I?
This newsletter is written by me, Mike De Socio, a queer journalist and eagle scout. I grew up in New Jersey, where I worked my way through the ranks and cut my teeth as a student journalist covering the BSA’s gay membership controversy. Now I live in upstate New York, and work as an independent journalist reporting on social justice and solutions.
I’m also the author of a forthcoming book on this topic: “Morally Straight: How the Fight for LGBTQ Inclusion Changed the Boy Scouts—And America.”

Why subscribe?
There are two ways to subscribe to Morally Straight, but either option will ensure you don’t miss a thing.
Sign up for free, and you’ll receive one email every week, on Fridays at 9 a.m. Eastern. These posts include:
- Actionable information that helps you create a more diverse and equitable future for the Boy Scouts of America
- Previously untold stories about the pushes for LGBTQ+ inclusion in the BSA
- Profiles of prominent activists and change-makers
Sign up for a paid subscription, and you’ll receive all of that, plus the warm and fuzzy feeling knowing you help me keep this newsletter afloat, and free for everyone to read.
What’s with the name?
The name comes from a part of the Scout Oath, which implores us to be, among other things, “morally straight.” Once upon a time, that phrase was weaponized to justify decades of discrimination against LGBTQ+ people in Scouting. But now I’m taking it back to show that being queer and being moral are not mutually exclusive.
What’s my approach?
As a journalist, I approach this work much like any other article I’m reporting or writing. Here’s what that means:
I will do my best to get it right. I trust my sources, but also do my best to verify the information I am sharing whenever possible.
Many of the stories I’m dealing with here are thorny, complicated and highly emotional for the people in them, who’ve often been marginalized or harmed. I believe them and give them the benefit of the doubt, but also bring the healthy dose of skepticism I have with any subject. When I (inevitably) do get things wrong, I’ll be transparent, correct what I can and learn to do better next time.
I welcome feedback when it comes in good faith. I want to engage with the readers of this newsletter (many of you send me replies each week that I really cherish!) and wrangle with these sometimes complicated topics.
I will recognize that I don’t know what I don’t know. Each time I speak to someone about Scouting, I’m amazed at the sheer range of experiences people have in this program. Scouting varies so much from troop to troop, region to region.
If you’re interested in hearing more of these stories — about rebels and revolutionaries — stick around. I hope to build a beautiful community here where we can can learn from each other. And maybe help create a more inclusive future along the way.