Guest Essay: How councils can improve diversity, equity and inclusion
Ken Morrison, president of the Northeast Illinois Council, offers suggestions for making Scouting a more welcoming and equitable place at the local level.
Ken Morrison, president of the Northeast Illinois Council, offers suggestions for making Scouting a more welcoming and equitable place at the local level.
"Please do not waste your time on people that will hinder your ability to lead or silence your opinions."
Nick Morey is helping coordinate spaces at NOAC for the LGBTQ+ community, scouts of color, scouts with disabilities, and women in Scouting.
"Scouting offers something unique to youth. Making it as inclusive as possible spreads that opportunity."
In YES! Magazine, I recount my Scouting story, and how it helped me realize the power of vulnerability as a tool for change and inspiration.
Homophobia in the Florida legislature is the latest reminder that we must be just as explicit in our acceptance as they are in their rejection.
The Boy Scouts of America is fundamentally different than the Girl Scouts of the USA — and not because of gender. Chartering organizations have shaped the BSA in a way that has lasting impacts.
John Rehm says that Scouting made him the person he is today. But it also made it difficult to accept his sexuality. After a 5-year hiatus, he's back, this time fully comfortable in his own skin.
A reader asks: "What types of activities are happening around the country that demonstrate inclusiveness and strengthen the bonds of friendship?"
The legendary transgender rights activist, and the country's first openly trans judge, excelled as an Eagle Scout — and used the Scout Law to guide the rest of her life.
Counselors reflect on the first few months teaching Scouting's new badge focused on diversity, equity and inclusion.
Kaleen Deatherage, leader of the new 12-person group, wants the BSA to be a place where all youth are not simply invited, but welcomed.